What’s the difference between bounce rate and exit rate in GA?

Emre Çetiner
2 min readSep 7, 2022

As metrics, both bounce rate and exit rate indicate when and where consumers leave your site. These two metrics are important for website performance, but they are totally different.

In Google Terminology :

Exit Rate is the percentage that was the last in the session. For all sessions that start with the page, Bounce Rate is the percentage that was the only one of the session

For instance; if consumers land on the homepage, they navigate to a category page, then a product page, and then leave the site, an ‘exit’ is attributed to the product page and affects its exit rate:

Then, if a visitor lands on the homepage, and doesn’t click through or interact with the page, a ‘bounce’ is attributed to the homepage and affects its bounce rate:

For mathematical terminology; Bounce and Exist Rate are calculated as follows ;

Bounce rate is an important parameter because :

it tells you how well people are — or more importantly, aren’t — engaging with a webpage’s content or user experience. A higher bounce rate is not always a bad parameter, because if you have a blog or article webpage, it does not important whether you have a higher bounce rate.

But our page is a sales page, an e-commerce product page, so then a higher bounce rate is really important...

Exist rate is an important parameter because ;

Exit Rate = Total Exits from Page / Total Page Visits

It actually indicates the performance of webpages, for example, higher loading time is the one reason for a higher exit rate.

You can check the Bounce and Exit rates as follows using Google Analytics



Emre Çetiner

Boun MSC.- Metu,Gazi Üni / Digital Services Product Growth & Data Analyst @Turkcell for more; https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehmetemrecetiner